After a bit of interest in what veg we grow, and our home brewing activities I have decided to post a regular blog.
Here is a bit obout the current state of our garden.
Mafro and Phillipa
Last year I dug over part of the garden so Phillipa and I could grow a few vegetables. Some we had a great success with, others weren’t so good, but the bug had bitten, and this year we have planned a little more.
Last year we managed to grow a bumper crop of Maris Piper potatoes, and had limited success with carrots as I hadn’t thinned them out enough. They were all weird and wonderful shapes, all twisted together and rather stunted, but we ate them all, and despite their odd appearance they tasted lovely.

This year, the veg patch has been made bigger, and I’m contemplating turning over more of the garden to grow more crops in.
Currently planted are the following.
- Kestrel Potatoes
- Onions (red and white)
- Carrots
- Runner Beans
- Broad Beans
- Dwarf French Beans
- Sugar Snap Peas
We also have the following starting off in pots
- Tomatoes of many variety
- Scallopini squashes
- Sweet Peppers
- Chilli’s
We also have 10 strawberry plants, a gooseberry bush and an olive tree planted in pots at the end of the garden that are doing rather well, and a rhubarb plant that is looking nice and healthy. (edit, the rhubard plant is nice and healthy, but doesn't look too good as a birs has crapped all over one of the leaves)
Here are some picture of our garden in its current state

This is where the majority of the beans are planted

The empty patch at the front of this shot is where the potatoes are planted. Behind that the first crop of red and white onions that were planted about October last year. Behind them is another crop of white onions that were planted about a month ago. The stems of these are already about 2.5" tall. Then there are carrots, and then some broad beans.

Here are some of the more mature onions

The gooseberry plant (Not much of a bush yet), and the young strawberry plants.

The Strawbs

Our olive tree in its second year. Will be a few more before we get any fruits from this one...!

And our Rhubarb, or more aptly named Poobarb plant
Is that my stew pot I see?